Wensdale House, E5

“The site looks nicer now and people have their own space to grow.”(Wendsdale House resident)


“Garden provides people with something to do.” (Wendsdale House resident)

“People are talking to each other who wouldn’t usually.”

(Wendsdale House resident)

“Turkish growers appear to be the main users of the garden.”

(Southern Housing Group)

A Planter (x4) B Planter (x5) C Water point, seating and info board D Compost (x2) D Seating (x2)
  • dates:
    2011 – ongoing
  • location:
    Northwold Estate, 131 Upper Clapton road, Hackney E5 8ST
  • land ownerhsip:

    Guiness South

  • size:


  • number of plots:


  • plot size:
